A collection of brain dumps which I feel the need to share with the world.

Friday, March 10, 2006

A moving experience

Why does moving house in this country (UK) have to be so bloody difficult?
The whole process is too long-winded and tangled up with legal rubbish.
I think it is all designed just to keep estate agents and solicitors in a job.

So far in our move, which should be one of the most straight forward, as we have a cash buyer in rented accommodation, and we are moving into rented ourselves, someone has managed to lose the deeds to my house, which meant that we couldn't exchange contracts this week. This meant that we then couldn't commit to our rental house, and as a result have now lost it to someone else. AAAAAGH! I thought that moving into rented would make things easier, but it just means that at the moment, we don't have anywhere to move into.

If we had to commit to the purchase when we put in our initial offer, as in Scotland, it would make things so much more straightforward, and you could just get on with it. As it stands, you are just so vulnerable until you exchange, which can take ages. I have spoken to friends recently who had packed up all of their stuff, had the removal van waiting outside half full, and then had a phonecall to say that the deal was off. (They were exchanging and completing on the same day - not recommended, but I have done it before. Sometimes there is no other option).

How crap is that?!!!!!!

No wonder it's meant to be one of the most stressful things you can do, but probably only in the UK. Wish me luck.....


Blogger Majic said...

Thanks, sweetie.
By the way, Jag, been trying to leave you a comment on your site about your yummy pilchard curry, but it won't accept any new comments. Not sure if you knew about this. Anyway, if you read this, love your curry, and love your site - when my blog grows up, I want it to be just like yours.....

7:54 AM

Blogger Jag said...

Yeah - have been aware of the comments prob for a long time and have tried to fix it but gave up on numerous occasions. Will try again at some point. Thx for liking the foody stuff. And most flattered I am! The pilchard one is really one of my favouritist and I always end up rustling it up after being out of country for a while, coming back home late in the evening. Ultimte comfort food. I made it just the other night when I got back from Athens!

8:46 AM


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