Virtually Existing.
I actually went out the other day. I felt the sun's warmth kiss my pale skin, with its unhealthy grey pallour, so typical of the student (or other long-term prisoner). I noticed that the crocuses were out, the daffodils were starting to sprout, and that I had missed the snow drops altogether. Spring was upon us, and I had almost let it pass unnoticed.
Obviously I do go out, to do the school run, or for some vital errand that can't be done online, but I have been so engrossed with study that I just don't notice anything any more. I don't meet people if I can email them, or go shopping if I can get it online. Even going out for a walk has become something I do just to stop myself seizing up at my desk. I just don't stop to enjoy anything any more, and I seem to live in a virtual world, because it saves time.
My husband has just been invited to compete in an international Formula One race. He meets up every week with a load of friends from all over the world, and races against them. He speaks to them almost every day, and knows them really well. In reality, it's a virtual race taking place online, against people he's never actually met. Can you call these real relationships? I call him a sad techy git, but that's another matter - we all do it these days.
I had resisted this way of life until starting my course, but am now as bad as anyone else, but I don't ever want to forget that there's a real world out there.
So I'm going to try and work a couple of hours a week into my schedule, just to sit and notice things, to meet a real person for lunch, or go to a shop and touch the real clothes hanging on the rails, or go for a walk, and actually see what's happening around me. I'm trying to get this course finished in three years, but I don't want to feel as though I've wasted three years of my precious life when I might as well have been behind bars.
Hello from a visitor to your blog! Hope the studying's going ok - what degree are you doing (if you don't mind me asking - and sorry if you already said on one of your earlier posts?). Anyway, I thought I'd be a bit of the outside world coming along to say hello!
10:05 AM
Thanks, Michelle. I'm studying for a BSc in Nutritional Medicine.I'm in the middle of moving house at the moment, so not much studying or blogging is being done at the moment, but looking forward to getting back to it after Easter.
1:43 PM
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