Manic menstrual Monday
I'm feeling a bit grumpy today.
So I thought I would devote this post to naming all the things which turn me into
a grumpy old bag. Maybe you would like to share some of your grumps too, if you can be bothered...
Unripe avocado.
My period. (Don't get me started on this one)
My mother.
My mother-in-law.
The rest of my family.
Rainy days.
Not being able to think of anything for my blog.(because I have my period)
Better blogs than mine (which is pretty much ALL of them).
Being disorganised (because I have my period)
Women who breeze through their period without any problems.
Greasy hair.
People who try and cheer me up.
People who don't try and cheer me up (the gits)
Giving up caffeine (why did I choose this week?)
Not being able to find a decent house to buy.
Living in a rented house the size of a shoe box.
Realising my husband will be home in ten minutes, I haven't started dinner, I have no idea what dinner is, and there is no food in the house because I hate shopping.(because I have my period)
Sorry to depress you.
Still, I seem to have identified a common theme - I don't think the Evening Primrose supplements are working...
Hello! Sorry about the feeling crap... I'm not sure whether to try and cheer you up... or not try and cheer you up :) so will just say hope your young one's better soon and you can get out and about again... Though I'm only a virtual person on the end of the comments box, I am real somewhere and hope you get some new inspiration for the studies - or at least a reminder of the reason you started them in the first place (and a bit of the old excitement?)! Hope this makes some kind of sense!
4:48 PM
Thanks Michele, you are a sweetie.
I do love my studies, but distance learning can be hard going sometimes, especially when you are used to getting out and seeing people.
On a good day, I really enjoy getting absorbed in my own little world and studying - on a bad day, well, you've seen the evidence....!
3:04 AM
That's actually quite a funny post, so your crap day made someone smile, so it wasn't all for nothing :-)
12:41 PM
Every cloud has a silver lining...
2:44 AM
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