Just to let you all know, I've changed the name of the blog.
It seems to suit my plummeting mood better.
I have barely seen the light of day for over a week - my little sweetie has been
ill with measles (yeah, OK let's not get into the whole MMR thing), and so I haven't even
been out to do the school run.
It also coincided with Hurricane Hormone (see previous blog), so things have just gone
from bad to worse.
I did drag myself around the gym, but in the evenings everyone there is so young, fit and healthy, which just depressed me more. I prefer the geriatric shift during the day, where the mean age is 65. It's the only time I still feel young and pert.
For the zillionth time I ask myself why I didn't go to university when I was young and carefree, not now when I have a family and am knackered all the time.
Of course the answer to that would be that I've only just decided what I want to do when I grow
It's just that when you're (allegedly) grown-up, you have so much stuff to do that gets in the
way of anything you may want to do. Hence I sit here slumped over my books at 10pm, and writing this blog because I'm too bored and tired to do any studying.
Being a student of Nutritional Medicine, I can't even make life easier by buying convenience foods, because they are, as you know, the work of Satan. As are microwaves and non-stick pans.
Anyway, enough of this drivel, which apparently noone is going to read anyway, judging by the total lack of interest I have attracted lately. I'm going to give up and watch telly.
PS (to my comment on the last post!) Perhaps you can by a load of convenience/microwave stuff just for once as a part of your studies to do some 'research into the taste and nutritional value and all that' (or any other excuse you care to come up with... justified by writing a paragraph or so about the 'experiment')... and just to be nice to yourself while it all feels a bit much ;)
4:54 PM
Aha! A cunning plan! Thing is, I just can't eat that stuff any more if I'm honest. I love cooking, and don't normally mind, and I have to exclude so many things from my diet that the only option is to make it myself.
Our lives today are so fast paced though - in India, they can spend days preparing some dishes. That's why they taste so good, but we have turned into an 'instant', disposable society.
Anyway, don't get me started on that subject! Thanks for the suggestion!
3:10 AM
I can't actually eat the 'ready meal' stuff either... am Coeliac (so gluten free)! Much better for us eh to create from scratch - but I do miss the 'convenient' option sometimes :)
5:52 AM
Non stick pans? Now you will have to explain. I have a cupboard full of them!
12:14 AM
It's the Teflon coating. Over time the fluoro-hydrocarbons wear away - into your food! Which can't be a good thing.
Stainless steel, glass (pyrex),and earthenware are good alternatives (but not coloured glazes).
I'm still using a non-stick frying-pan, but I fear its days are numbered..
12:38 AM
Thanks for the explanation. Now another thing to worry about. I think I'll join your mood now - except you've probably come out of it by now, hols etc.
8:25 AM
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