The clouds have passed..
Just to let you know that I'm in a much better mood this week (thanks for your support, Michele!)
The sun is shining, and all is well. I get freaked out actually by how different I feel when it is raining - it really affects my mood. England is probably not the place for me to live then!
Strangely, I do love places like Norway, which hardly has the best weather, but it's somehow different when coupled with dramatic scenery.
Having said that, I'm off to find some sun for two weeks, hence the cheery mood. I can really do with a holiday, so am going off to visit the remains of the Roman Empire, and aim to come back refreshed, with lots to blog about.
See you soon..
Hope you have/had a great holiday... and glad you're feeling 'brighter' :)
5:54 AM
It is always such a relief for a man to hear that black clouds over a woman's head have passed. Just like that magnificent atmosphere in the air after a thunderstorm - full of fresh clean air and a wonderful dampness...
12:34 PM
Thanks for the comments, all.
Interesting to hear a man's point of view. Maybe I should stop stressing, and get the beer in!
6:12 AM
The one great thing about English weather--if you don't like it, just wait 15 minutes.
10:41 AM
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