A collection of brain dumps which I feel the need to share with the world.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Nutritional nugget number two

Eat oysters! They are, as we all know, meant to be an aphrodisiac, but this is essentially due to their high zinc content. Zinc deficiency can cause male impotency, which may be where the association to zinc-rich oysters increasing libido evolved.
I am currently studying all minerals, and was astounded at how many times oysters appeared as being one of the best sources of most of them. Other seafood such as whelks and winkles are also good sources of minerals, as are seeds.

You can buy oysters tinned, and stick them in pasta, but obviously the best way to eat them is raw with a glass of champagne. I think me being sick after eating a raw oyster may ruin the romantic mood, however...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm, I can't think how to adequately spell the kind of face I'm pulling at the thought of eating oysters! ;)

3:40 AM

Blogger Majic said...

Hmm, me too, they are pretty revolting, even when washed down with champas.
They are much nicer cooked, though, like clams, or you can resort to the smoked, tinned variety, which I shouldn't really be recommending, but are yummy in pasta, and will still contain whopping amounts of zinc.:)

4:15 AM

Blogger RenaSherwood said...

Would mussels be in the same "class" nutritionally as oysters? Just curious

1:04 PM

Blogger Majic said...

Some similarities, though oysters do have a superior mineral content, particularly zinc.

2:43 PM


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