Just to let you all know, I've changed the name of the blog.
It seems to suit my plummeting mood better.
I have barely seen the light of day for over a week - my little sweetie has been
ill with measles (yeah, OK let's not get into the whole MMR thing), and so I haven't even
been out to do the school run.
It also coincided with Hurricane Hormone (see previous blog), so things have just gone
from bad to worse.
I did drag myself around the gym, but in the evenings everyone there is so young, fit and healthy, which just depressed me more. I prefer the geriatric shift during the day, where the mean age is 65. It's the only time I still feel young and pert.
For the zillionth time I ask myself why I didn't go to university when I was young and carefree, not now when I have a family and am knackered all the time.
Of course the answer to that would be that I've only just decided what I want to do when I grow
It's just that when you're (allegedly) grown-up, you have so much stuff to do that gets in the
way of anything you may want to do. Hence I sit here slumped over my books at 10pm, and writing this blog because I'm too bored and tired to do any studying.
Being a student of Nutritional Medicine, I can't even make life easier by buying convenience foods, because they are, as you know, the work of Satan. As are microwaves and non-stick pans.
Anyway, enough of this drivel, which apparently noone is going to read anyway, judging by the total lack of interest I have attracted lately. I'm going to give up and watch telly.