A collection of brain dumps which I feel the need to share with the world.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

See you later, procrastinator........much,much later

I am the world's worst procrastinator.
Instead of studying today, I have updated both of my blogs, answered all of my emails, played a couple of games of Solitaire, made lots of 'vital' phonecalls, stared into space, talked to the cat, and even done some housework.

Does anyone else have this problem, or is it just me?
Please reply, replying to you will give me another excuse not to do any work.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Living on light

I have successfully used nutrition to cure my own serious medical problems, and I know it
works, but to maintain my health, I need to cut a LOT of things out of my diet: wheat, sugar, dairy, soya, red meat, processed food, alcohol and some pulses. Don't get me wrong, I love healthy food - I'm one of the few people who drool over tofu and broccoli, and alfalfa sprouts, quinoa, and I think seaweed salad is yummy. (honest).
My six year old has yet to be convinced, however, and prefers sausages and fish fingers.

I don't like having to cook lots of different meals, and manage to cook for my family while still avoiding all of my taboo foods, without my six year old picking up on how healthy her diet is (except for the time I gave her seaweed - she didn't like that, and was backed up by one of my friends who threatened to call social services if I gave it to her again!)

Still,it's easier than you might think, if a little taxing to think of new recipes, but sometimes, oh how I long for a straightforward bacon sandwich on white bread with ketchup.

Or clotted cream ice cream with caramel sauce and nuts, or banoffee pie, or, chocolate brownies, or a hazelnut latte, or, well you get the idea that I sometimes fall off the wagon spectacularly.

I was particularly interested, therefore, to hear about a bunch of people who don't eat anything at all, called Breatharians. ( I like 'Freshairians better!).
Well, I have read in the Celestine Prophecy that very evolved souls could begin to absorb energy from around them, negating the need to actually eat, and this seemed to be the same sort of thing. I understand the concept, but this bunch seem a bit dodgy. One of them, a certain Wiley Brooks, is currently running a course for billionares only. Well, that should keep the riff raff out. http://www.breatharian.com/WileyBrooks-altinate.htm

Given my chosen course of study, I am naturally a little sceptical about the validity of this claim, especially as the body posesses a highly evolved digestive system. I am open minded, however,as I think we are all programmed to eat far too much. It's big business at the end of the day - the profit margin on food is higher than pretty much anything else.

Also, if everyone were to live on light, I'd be out of a job!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

You are me and I am you?

I have recently become intrigued by the theory that each of our souls can be living thousands of lives simultaneously.
Is this the reason that we are drawn to other people, because they are somehow like us, when in fact maybe they are us?
Is it another explanation for people 'being on our wavelength'?
And are our 'soul mates' literally that, extensions of ourselves?

Well, you have to admit it's a point to ponder, which somehow seems more plausible the more you think about it.
I sometimes think I get a glimpse of 'other me's' doing things that I wish I could do - are they all living my life, but have made different choices/decisions? (and why are they having more fun than me?!!!)

Can we tap into these collective experiences and learn from our collective mistakes somehow?

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Wheat-free breakfast muffins

I'm going to share my 'top-secret' muffin recipe with you.
They are packed full of goodness, and contain all you need to start the day with a happy bod!
They are not very sweet, so be prepared, or add more sugar (if you must!)
I am addicted to them, and there is disappointment all round if we run out!

Wheat-free breakfast muffins

2oz/60g rolled oats
9fl0z/260ml milk/water/fruit juice/soya milk (basically any liquid, depending on your particular dietary intolerance!)
60z/170g flour (I use a mixture of rice flour and Dove's Farm gluten-free)
20z/60g linseeds
2tsp baking powder
2tsp bicarbonate of soda
sprinkle of salt
2 eggs
2-3oz(60g-70g) sugar (I use a mix of fructose and xylitol)
1 tps vanilla essence
0.5 tsp mixed spice
3floz/90ml olive oil or melted butter
2-30z/60-70g) mixed nuts/seeds
150g blueberries (or any fruit)

1.Grease muffin tins with butter. Preheat oven to gas 5-6 or 190-200C/375-400F.
2.Combine oats, linseeds, bicarbonate of soda and liquid in a bowl and leave to soak.
3. In another large bowl, sift flour, baking powder and salt. Add the blueberries and coat well with the flour.
4. Now add the eggs, sugar, vanilla and oil/butter to the oat mixture and mix well.
5.Pour the wet mixture into the dry and mix well - batter should be lumpy but no dry flour should be visible.
Add more liquid if necessary until thick but not too sloppy.
6.Spoon into muffin cases, or into muffin tin, and bake for about 20 mins until firm.

I add lots of other fruits, even organic tinned fruit, using the juice, but fresh fruit is better. Fresh apple is lovely too - add a little more spice.

Let me know what you think!